Jesse Was Voted As One Of The Top 10 Beautiful Men In 2005 For TEEN PEOPLE!!!!
In 2005 Jesse was the 6th most asked
for celebrity on a search engine:
1. Usher
2. Hilary Duff
3. Lindsay Lohan
4. Eminem
5. Nelly
6. Jesse McCartney
7. Orlando Bloom
8. 50 Cent
9. Beyonce
10. Paris Hilton
In 2005 Jesse was the 9th most asked for
picture on a search engine:
1. Lindsay Lohan
2. Usher
3. Hilary Duff
4. 50 Cent
5. Britney Spears
6. Christina Aguilera
7. Eminem
8. Paris Hilton
9. Jesse McCartney
10. Cars
A year and three months after their first anniversary, Jesse McCartney and "7th Heaven" actress Katie Cassidy re-create
their first dates in a photo spread in the February issue of Teen People, posing in his car, on the beach, on a Ferris wheel
and on a picnic blanket eating takeout. "After dinner, I opened the car door and there was a beautiful orchid sitting
in his front seat. It was so sweet," she said. "We got ice cream on our first date. It was really cute ... [And]
on one of our first dates, we spent the entire day on the beach."
When Total Request Live heartthrob Jesse McCartney, 18, and actress Katie Cassidy, 19, ran into each other at the WBs
L.A. office in August 2004, it was love at second sight. (They'd met three years earlier, when then aspiring singer Katie
was up for a spot on tour with Jesses old group, Dream Street.) Jesse solidified his place in her heart the following November
25 by planning an entire day of activities for her 18th birthday. "He worked for it, which I liked," says Katie,
who appears in the thriller When a Stranger Calls (in theaters February 3) and the upcoming comedy Click. A year and three
months after their first anniversary, the couple reenact their favorite dates for TEEN PEOPLE.
Singer says new material will have an 'older appeal' it will suit his new older image [his balck hair].
Jesses new look is reflected in his new album , he looks older and his music is defiantly going to have that after teen
taste to it. Jesse has been writing new tunes for his up coming album {yes he is releasing a new album in the coming year}
he plans to start recording in February; it will reflect artistic and personal growth. "Lyrically it definitely will
be discussing issues that I've dealt with in the last two or three years, whether it be fame, fortune, my travels or stuff
that's happened in my personal life," McCartney stated "I was 15 when I recorded Beautiful Soul, so by the time
this [new] record comes out that was like four years ago the material [on this album] will certainly ... have a little bit
older appeal," he added. He's been talking to many artist from the Neptunes to Ryan Cabrera. "I just want to work
with everyone, just to see who I kind of jive with," McCartney said. "You never know what's gonna happen and who
it's going to happen with, so you just have to get around and do what you can." Jesse has written 4 songs for the album
but he's not about to shed any light on them. "I never discuss or sing any of [the album] until it's finished, but I
unconsciously started singing one of my songs that I was writing a few nights ago on the set of 'Keith'," he recalled,
laughing. "Elisabeth asked me, 'Hey, what song is that?' and I was like, 'Oh, just this song I heard on the radio.' I
don't want anybody to know about it because then I feel obliged to finish it, so it's kind of a tease." {Jesse I can't
wait just give us a taste of whats to come}

Im not sure how reliable this gossip is but a girl on a jesse fan bord said:
Katie was cheeting on Jesse!!!! SHE IS SO MEAN!!
anyways Jesse broke up with Katie and Jesses mom didnt believe that katie would do such a thing but she did and well she
wants jesse back becasue well im not sure why so yeah she is all over jesse like he still loves her when really he doesnt
but his mom wants them to get back together so all the pictures you have seen from the Amas is Jesse faking, he dont want
anyone to know they broke up and Katie wont keep her hands off of him, so yah if you dont believe me then whatever but its
the truth
Please dont ask me about it but plz tell me if u believe it or not
Votes from girls around America from kindergarten to high school students:
Favorite male TV or movie star: Jesse McCartney, Johnny Depp
Favorite singer or musical group: Jesse McCartney, Hilary Duff, Green Day
Jesse in the movie industry!
Pop star Jesse McCartney is shooting "Keith," a teen drama he says he's proud to call his movie debut. But diehard
fans of the "Beautiful Soul" singer might object to the classification. "Yeah, I played a little mini part
in this film called 'Pizza,' " he admitted of the independent film about a delivery boy, currently making the film-festival
circuit. "[I didn't get] a huge credit or anything. I was bored, and at that point I wasn't really working a lot, and
I just wanted to have some more film credits under my belt. I really didn't even know that much about that script and I forget
about it to be honest. But ['Keith'] is really what I consider to be my first big film."
Here's the scoop... Jesse has dyed his hair BLACK for his up comming movie ^"Keith"^. look down for a pic. He
still looks hot and he can still sing.
Have you got ur copies of Jesses DVDs Up close and beautiful soul live- i no i have and there HOTTTTTT!
If u have the Up close dvd look closely at the end of "making the beautiful soul film clip" when hes about to
punch the camera there is smoke in the bak ground is he smoking. i honestly dnt think he is but wat do u think?
Jucie Gossip- Well this is what i herd not sure if its true- Jesse really did brake up wit katie b/c she chated on him but
her mom wants thm 2 get bck 2gether and katie whated 2 getback 2gether wit him saying she really luved him!!!! and jesse didn’t
want 2 but he pretend tht thr 2gether so no 1 gets hurt
Vote for Jesse in Smash Hits
Smash Hits is running it's annual readers poll - go to www.smashhitsmag.com.au now and vote for Jesse.
Have you seen jesse on Stripped live
He sings 5 songs including:
*she's no you
*beautiful soul

Jesse has been doing his part to help the community he is featured in the hurricane relief single {come together now} there
are a few pics on the pic page where he is singing (http://www.cometogethernowonline.com/)
"I wanted to show people that there's a little bit more than lip-synching in the pop world because I think that's
a common misconception right now," he said. "There's a lot of junk out there, and it's kind of hard to justify a
point when there's a lot of pop singers out now without mentioning any names who don't sing."
"You know, [I think] the first record is pretty much [stale]," he joked. "I've sang 'Beautiful Soul' like
9 million times." {but it still sounds HOTTT! Every time u sing it}
Unfortunaly JESSE did not win "Best New Artist" at the AMAs but it was great that he got nominated
For the people Down under (in Australia)
Jesse new single is 'Because You Live' - Jesse shot the video while he was in Australia and for those who went to any
of his shows you might have seen the cameras following him around. There's lots of glimpses of Jesse's fans in the video -
maybe you will be one of them.
Here is some of the juicier stuff I hear. No guarantee of the accuracy of what you read! To all of u in Australia SUMMERLAND
IS COMING BACK!!! Series 2 of Summerland premieres on Channel 10 on Dec 1 and will be on over summer 2 nights a week!! Sunday
and Thursday at 7.30pm!! yay!! let you know more as we find out. Unfortunatly Summerland isnt comming bak (well as far as
i know) Smallville has taken its place. (www.jessemac.com.au)
DJ AM spun the tunes, which must have had a magical effect on Jesse McCartney and his girlfriend, Katie Cassidy, because
they went BUCK WILD in front of everyone (www.perezhilton.com)
Jesse & Katie
You know those couples who look so great together you find yourself smiling when they're smiling? Yeah. That would be
Jesse McCartney and Katie Cassidy. Everyone was talking about how cute they looked together on the dance floor. (www.teenpeople.com)
Being In Love
Zena Burns says: OK, so this one is always on my personal Hot List, but I just had to throw it up here in order to give
you some star scoop. At our Young Hollywood party in LA last weekend (which dozens of giant stars clamored to get into), Jesse
McCartney and actress Katie Cassidy were in full canoodle. They've been a couple for a while now, Cupid's been working overtime
lately! (www.teenpeople.com)
Jesse was working over time to relieve the cyclone stricken areas of the USA he put his voice along with i think 23 others
including aaron carter, mya and many more its a great song, very emotional. (http://www.cometogethernowonline.com)

Congrats to Jesse he is nominated for NINE Radio
Disney Music Awards {He is amazing}
Heres what hes nominated for:
*Best Song {beautiful soul}
*Best Male singer
*Best song from a movie {Get your shine on- Kin Possible}
*Best song youve herd a million times but still love {beautiful soul}
*Best Karaoke song {beautiful soul}
*Best song to put on repeat {get your shine on}
*Best sleepover song {whats your name}
*Best song to listen to on the way to school {get your shine on}
*Best video that rocks {beautiful soul- radio Disney edit}
Vote for Jesse: http://radio.disney.go.com/music/awards/index.html