~LeA jOyCe McCaRtNeY~
(JeSsEs KiD sIsTeR)
*BiRtHdAy: August 10, 1991
*NaMe MeAnS: "Fatigued"
*FaVoRiTe CoLoR: Blue
*BeSt BuDs: Lea is good friends with Nicole and Danielle Raposo.
*LoVeD bY aLL: Oliver, the family cat, likes Lea better than any other member in the McCartney family!
*CrUsH: Lea has a SMALL crush on Greg Raposo!
*SpOrTs: Soccer! She plays mid-fielder because she's very fast!
*WoRsT fEaR: Sharks. She once refused to go on a class field trip to an aquarium because she'd have to see some!
<TiMoThY mArK mCcArTnEy>
(jEsSeS kId BrOtHeR)
*BiRtHdAy: December 20, 1996
*NaMe MeAnS: To Honor God
*GrEg LoVeS TiMmY!: Greg once said, "Every time Timmy comes to our rehearsals, I ditch everyone to hang out with
him. I think Timmy is like five years old. He's awesome."
*ScOoBy-DoO: Timmy LOVES his Scooby Doo!
*A LiTtLe MoDeSt, ArE wE?: When a fan once told Timmy, "Aw, you're so cute!" Timmy responded, "Yeah, people
tell me that sometimes."
*LoVe ThE fAnS: Timmy has been known to play games, like DUCK, DUCK, GOOSE! with fans backstage!
*HoW SwEeT!: Timmy once gave some fans Grape Twizzlers at a concert (because he didn't like them! LoL)
*MiNi-JeSsE: Timmy wants to be a singer, like Jesse, and once sang some fans his own version of, "Lets Get Funky
*BuStEd!!!: Jesse got grounded in 2002 because Timmy caught him online at 4 AM, and told on him! {but what was Timmy doing
up so late}
*JuSt LiKe HiS bRoThEr: Timmy, the DS boys, and their parents all went to "Malley's" once for ice cream, and
Timmy got it all over his face. When Mr. Ballinger told him, "Timmy, you are one messy little boy!" Timmy replied,
"I eat just like Jesse."
*FaVoRiTe ToYs: His Scooby-Doo ("HIS SCOOBY") and his Pluto Doll
*ToUgH KiD: Timmy once told Matt Ballinger that if he didn't give him a lollipop, he would kick him!
*AnGeR MaNagEmEnT!: Timmy once threw his plate of food across "The Outback Steakhouse" and it hit a waitress
before shattering everywhere!
*A CeLeBriTy'S bRoThEr: Timmy says the best part about being a celebrity's brother is that, "We get good food before
the concerts."
*ALLeRgiEs: None
*NiCkNaMe: "The TMac"