+Once a fans friend went up to Jesses mother,Ginger, and said You have a hot son.Ginger replied with,Thank you, sweetie, but
dont tell him that, hes already got a big head.
+At a signing, a fan was having Jesse sign her pictures. She saw the belt he was wearing and noticed that she had seen
it somewhere before. Jesse thought she was staring at something else, laughed and waved his hand in her face.
+Jesses known to have been spotted numerous times at various malls in his area. Once, a fan went over to get a soda from
a vending machine outside a mall. Jesse and his friends were hanging out near it and she kind of smiled at him as she got
her soda. When she left, she heard one of his friends say,She was so checking you out.
+When another fan met Jesse in Florida, she asked Jesse to record a message on her cell phone. His message was, hey whats
up, this is the Jmac. Leave a message and uh, uh this, uh, girl, will get back to you. If youre lucky. Mwah
+Way back in 2001, another fan met Dream Street. She asked the then 14 year old Jesse to take a picture with him, and
he said, "Maybe later." Ricella whispered "bastard" under her breath, and the then 16 year old Greg Raposo
[now a rock singer] over heard her and laughed.
+At the Ella Enchanted premiere, Jesse hosted and interviewed the stars on the red carpet. Before the event had started,
two fans called his name and blew him kisses. In response, he did the "kissy face" that he always does!
+On May 8, 2004 while at a Massachusetts concert, a fan's little brother was wearing a Red Sox t-shirt. Jesse said to
him, "Watch it buddy, I might have to make you turn that inside out...Just kidding!"
+While at the mall, a fan spotted a Summerland ad. Just then, a little girl ran up to it, pointed up at Jesse and said
loudly, "DADDY, I LIKE HIM!"...and her father ended up pulling the excited little girl away!
+On Feb. 26, 2004, Jesse performed in Allentown, PA. While on stage, he said, "After the show, I'm going to have
a meet and greet right over there." and points at the merchandise table. Girls started to run towards it, and Jesse said:
"Where are you going?? I didn't say I was done yet!!"
+On July 24, 2004 at the Garden City signing for Teen People's Rock N' Shop, Jesse signed autographs for his fans as he
danced in his chair to Maria Mena's live performance. One fan started to dance with him.
+Later that day during the signing, a group of girls in front of Jesse started screaming REALLY loud and freaking out...Jesse's
eyes became really wide, as the security guards tried to calm the girls down.
+During Dream Street, Matt Ballinger & Greg Raposo played a prank on Jesse while they were on tour. They told a bunch
of fans that Jesse will be having a party in his hotel room at midnight. They gave the fans his room number & everything.
So when Jesse came back to the hotel at midnight, he walked to his room...only to find a bunch of crazed fans waiting for
him. He was soo freaked out!
+A couple years ago, another fan met Dream Street. One of the members, Matt, signed her poster without looking down at
it. She said, "Wow, you didn't even look down!". Matt said, "Yeah, it comes naturally." Jesse smirked
and said, "Yeah right, dude even I could do that." He grabbed a poster, & signed it, while looking at the girl
...and totally missed the poster. the fan said, "Umm, Jess you marked the table." He replied, "Oh crap!!!",
licked his finger, & tried to wipe it off. Matt laughed & said in a mocking voice, "Even I could do that."
Jesse's response?: "Shut up."
+At the July 30, 2003 Pt. Pleasant gig, a couple of fans threw water balloons at Jesse! His response..."I am so getting
you guys back!"
+When leslie (one of jesses fans) was at the WBLI Studios in Long Island, NY, Sherry [one of Jesse's managers] said across
the room "Hi Leslie!!!" Then Jesse was like "LESLIE!!!! I remember you!! I've seen you before! You were at
the Irvington gig and others before that that, right?" Leslie replied, "Yeah!!" Sherry added, "...She's
been to many, Jesse."
+At the Teen People's Rock N' Shop on August 14, 2004 in California, A fan and a bunch of her friends gave Jesse a rubber
cow, as a joke. When you squeeze it, it makes a not so pleasant sound, lol. The girls all signed it and when they gave it
to Jesse, they were telling him to squeeze it...but he just kept saying, " I AM! I AM!" because nothing was happening!
+When a fan asked Jesse for his sweaty towel, and Jesse answered, "You want my towel? Come on that's just gross!"
+During the intermission at a concert, a fan asked Dillon for Jesse's towel. He replied, "No, sorry...people try
to clone Jesse, we can't give it out anymore because of that"
+A fan once traveled from New York to California to visit her dad. She also went to go see Jesse at a radio station in
Sacramento, and when Jesse saw her, he said "Oh my God, you're from New York...are you crazy, dude?". the girl just
laughed and said, "No, I'm visiting my dad here." She also had made a sign that said, "Wishing Holly was here"
(Holly is her friend!). Jesse said, "Holly...Holly...I know that name." She said, "August 20th!". Jesse
answered, "Ooh yes! You two were dancing and stuff! Dude, tell Holly I love her! And I love you, too!". Aww!
+Some crazy fans are just...uh, crazy. According to Jesse, he's had many "crazy incidents. I remember being at one
venue, and I was on my way to my bus or car and lost track of security. Suddenly, there was this huge group of girls like,
200 girls, completely tearing my shirt apart. One ripped out the tag, and they were all screaming, which is always cool. It
was a very nice shirt, too, but it was very, very flattering."
+A fan met Jesse twice times she said hewas really sweet and the first time he stuck his tongue out at her and he laughed
and said he was just licking his lips and she offered him my capstick and he said sure and she let him keep it.
because JESSE lives... i live
Keep Smiling :)
