Who were Dream Street and What happened to them ??

Dream Street was a hot group of five talented and handsome young men who had come from stage and screen to sing and dance
their way to pop-stardom. Dream Street was Matt Ballinger, Greg Raposo, Jesse McCartney, Christopher Trousdale, and Frankie
J. Galasso.

The group was formed by Dream Street Entertainment as a "concept group", much like The Monkees or Menudo. Many
young singers auditioned and the final five boys were each hired to fulfill a certain "role" within the quintet.
Though each of the boys had been performers on stage or screen and some had even performed together on Broadway, the boys
had not been a singing group or performed all together before they were hired to be Dream Street.
The group first came on the scene in 1999. Their debut performance was a charity benefit for Variety - The Children's
Charity where they performed two sold-out shows on December 18 and 19, 1999 at The Criterion Theatre on Broadway.

Dream Street Entertainment promoted the band aggressively. They published 3 issues of their very own "Dream Street Magazine",
released a video and DVD, performed at malls, fairs and other events, and appeared on numerous TV programs. They gained additional
popularity by performing the song "They Don't Understand" on the "Pokémon 2000 The Movie: The Power of One"
soundtrack, and performing live for the movie's premiere. Most of this promotion took place before their first CD was released.
Fans eagerly awaited the official release of the group's CD and an official tour. Their first single, "It Happens
Every Time", was released in May, 2001, and their self-titled debut album finally hit the stores in July, 2001. Dream
Street then took to the streets touring by themselves and hitching up with Aaron Carter, but as fans anticipated a second
album in 2002, some members of the band took their management to court. Touring and production stopped as the lawsuit awaited
resolution. Basically some of the boys and their moms had made certain allegations about the behavior of the band's managers.
Jesse had already quit the band before the lawsuit commenced, and Chris did not participate in the legal action but instead
stayed loyal to the Dream Street management.

As of August 7, 2002, "Dream Street" as it originally started is no longer a singing group. Dream Street Entertainment
has announced that they will create another Dream Street group with Chris Trousdale and some new members.
To See It Happens Every Time video clip just click on the It Happens Every Time page <--